About Dr. Burgess

Obtain your 'Spinal Motion Profile' for FREE.

Includes a print out of motion profile including quality and range of motion, professional assessment, summary and several video clips of your movement.

Vital information for yourself, your Doctor, Surgeon, PT and Chiropractor.

Trunk Side Bend in Sitting

Bending Forward (Trunk Flexion) and Bending Backward (Trunk Extension)


At StarLab we have state of the art sports and biomechanics electro-magnetic motion sensing device called 'LIBERTY' from Polhemus VT USA.

Liberty and similar motion device are used throughout the biomechanics, sports and film industries. See Liberty Case Studies

Eight Sensors will be attached to your spine and legs.

Ten spinal movements and one posture will be measured to obtain your "Spinal Motion Profile".

Optional video of several movements and still photos will be taken for educational purposes (all will be unrecognizable- i.e. no head shots and it is optional).

Recorded data will be analyzed, reviewed immediately and made available to you.

Analyzed data will be prepared for publication in medical science journals, in books and used in educational presentations.


Why obtain your Spinal Motion Profile?

  • Low Back Pain - Most acute low back pain eases within one month. Many people however have recurrent (and typically worsening) episodes of pain. Others have chronic back pain (often constant and lasting longer than 3 months). Your Spinal Motion Profile can direct you toward what can be done to improve your spinal motion and ease your pain. Both painfree subjects as well as those with back problems are required for research at STAR LAB.

  • Studies have shown that people with reduced side bend of the trunk and a flattened lumbar lordosis are prone to low back pain. These characteristics will be measured with your spinel motion profile.

  • Osteoporosis and Osteopenia - reduced posture and range of motion are features that accompany this spinal dysfunction. These features of your process and progress with this condition can be accurately measured with your Spinal Motion Profile. This is valuable information for you and your therapist/doctor.

  • Scoliosis- all ages, with and without low back pain. Have your scoliosis defined in terms of movement available along the entire length of your spine. Learn what part of your spine moves freely and what does not.

  • Posture - Do you have good posture or poor posture? Does posture matter?? See here. You can have your posture accurately measured at StarLab and compared to future assessments to define your progress.

  • Spinal Health - How is your spine doing? What parts of your spine are stiff and not moving? An imbalance between parts of the spine moving well and other parts not moving well contributes to excessive strain, pressure pain and even damage. Your spinal motion profile can provide you with this information.

  • Research - Want to contribute to spinal research? Do you want your spine to be a part of advancing knowledge for human spinal health. You don't have to have any problems (pain, stiffness or poor posture) to obtain your spinal motion profile.


Who should obtain a Spinal Motion Profile?

Anyone aged between 10 and 85 years who can walk up and down one flight of stairs comfortably (If you can't make it up and down one flight of stairs easily then you are too sore or too incapacitated for a spinal motion profile) (Under 18? must be accompanied by a parent).

The process is harmless and painless but it takes 90 minutes to complete.


View 3 minute video below:

Call 603 941 4988

for appointment & further details for your FREE spinal motion profile

Wolfeboro New Hampshire 03894


What to Wear for the Research Procedure