The art, practice and science of Feldenkrais®
Director: Robert J. Burgess BEd, PT, PhD, Feldenkrais Practitioner

Core Stabilization
Flawed, Failed & Dangerous

In this video series I explore the theory and practice of core stabilization with the determination that it is flawed, failed and dangerous.

The prologue introduces myself and my intentions.

In the introductory video I review the outcome of a conference held in 2015 that was then published as 10 papers in 2019 in the Journal of Sports and Orthopedic Physical Therapy. These papers examine some of the beliefs for Core Stabilization.

The origins and history of core stabilization are presented in the first video. There is a brief sampling of the evidence against the primary belief of spinal instability for people low back pain.

In the third video I take a closer look at the cadaver studies that occured during the 1990's providing evidence for and against the claim that the lumbar spine is inherently unstable.

The fourth video examines in detail evidence from clinical studies and the fourth presents motion studies that reveal a stiffened lumbar spine in people with low back pain, rather than excessive unstable lumbar motion..

Core stabilization theory claims the transversus abdominis and the deep multifidi to be tonically contracting stabilizing muscles. I I review the evidence for this claim in the fifth video.

In the sixth video I review topics related to the motor cortex and what it does. The first in the series presents large fiber neuropathy and the role of proprioception in motor control.


Prologue: Who am I and Why these videos? (7:04 minutes)

1. Core Stabilization: The 2015 Chicago forum that turned on CS (11:25 minutes)

2. Core Stabilization: Original research and popularity. (7:43 minutes)

3. Evidence from Cadaver Studies (16:09 minutes)

4. Evidence from Clinical Studies (19:16)

5. TA and DM tonic stabilizers? (10:51)

6. Muscles are Slaves, Proprioception is KIng: The Story of Ian Waterman (11:18)